What is SEO

People in all walks of life wanted to get the most from things they have 'Imagine a car' In order for someone to get most out of its speed you have to modify it and change some things from it do this so it would be better than the standard production line. Then there are those botanists who do things with fruits say a grape vine to produce the most juicy, sweet grapes you can taste. In order to maximize the potential of something you will have to 'tweak' it. Or in other words you will optimize it. According to eLook.org optimization means 'getting the most out of (something); modifying to achieve maximum efficiency of (something)'. Say, you want to advertise whether it is something you want to sell or you just want to be plainly heard or you want to promote something, one of the ways if not the best way to promote them is through the web.

S.E.O - Search Engine Optimization

If someone wants to find something in the web, they will go to their Search Engine (Google, Yahoo!, MSN live, Netscape) and type their key words and a bunch of sites will pop up. The common practice of viewers/surfers will take over and will then click the top spot, if that does not satisfy them, they will click on the second one and so on - Now if you are the one promoting such things, of course, you want your site to be the ones they visit, so in order for people to visit your page, you have to be on those top spots. That's where Search Engine Optimization or SEO comes in.

SEO is the process that will take your page to get to that top spot. Simply put Search Engine Optimization will give you more visitors as you rank high in those search engines.

Basics of SEO

Search Results will be presented in two forms - One is what is called 'The Sponsored Links' (these are paid ads, and pays the search engine money for their space), and the other one the natural search results which is in rank order (the top being the most visited). Search Engine Optimization will deal mostly with what we call as natural search results.

Search engines will have different methods of ranking up the search results (so for example the term that you entered in Google at times will give different sites that will pop up in Yahoo!)

Another thing that has more impact on Search Engine Optimization is the 'term' - it is the word you used to start your search. The term will be the deciding factor in which your SEO will be ranked up against other websites.

Uses of Search Engine Optimization

The most basic use of SEO is of course in advertising. Advertising means you want something to be sold. Simply put most of the things are better in numbers - so the more people visit your website, the more chances that you will sell things that you offer. And as web-users go, they will click on the top results of their searches before going to another page of results (if they even bother), thus Search Engine Optimization greatly enhances your probability of transaction Another use is when you want to be heard, there are terms or things that people search other than consumer things. As seen in the above example when your site is staring at them in the face as soon as they click their mouse or hit the 'Enter' button, again SEO will give you better chance of conveying your idea on whomever search for the things you want to be heard!!!

Author's URL: www.goarticles.com

Title Tags Optimization

An HTML tag that is used to define the top line of a web browser, the search engine considers this as the most important part of text on the web page, as they base their natural results here.

Title tag optimization

There is not a single webpage in the top rankings that does not include their main keyword in their title tags. A web page may not use the keyword in their main body instead they use inbound links to rank well, but still in the title tag it is very critical to include it. There are several things to consider for title tag optimization:

1. Important keywords must appear in the title tag

2. Title tags should not exceed the length of 60 characters and must have only 7 to 10 words

3. It should be easily read by the web-surfer (user- friendly)

4. Stop words must be used sparingly and avoid dead weight words altogether if possible

5. Keywords must be as close together as possible (keyword proximity)

6. Put the keywords as close to the title tag's beginning as possible

7. Proper word order of the title tag must be maintained

8. Repeating the keyword in the title tag should be very limited

Important keywords in the title tag

Title tag optimization requires that the most important keyword be placed in the title tag. Search engines are geared to look for keywords in the title tag that is why it is very critical that they are here. Title tag is also the part that web-surfers browse in the search results to see if the thing that they are looking for is somehow in that page. It is also a good idea not to put irrelevant words to your title tags so as not to dilute them in the search results, whereas, it is more advisable to include some more of your keywords instead.

Length of the title tag

Optimized title tags never exceed this length because some search engines will chop off the phrases over their limit. User-friendly

Though title tag optimization requires your title tags to be search engine friendly, but your main target are the web-surfers. Title tags must be made as very simple and as easily understood as you can.

Stop words/ dead weight words

Dead weight words (i.e. Home page, web, web page) are ignored by the search engine spiders, and though the stop words are also ignored (i.e. the, is, of, that, is, etc), you still need some of them for your title tags to be easily understood Keyword Proximity

Search engines ranks webpage who have their keywords that is very close to each other and has almost no stop words between them. Near the beginning

Title tag optimization encourages that your keywords be near the beginning of the title, as the search engine do their search pattern in a linear order (top to bottom, left to right). Word Order

Most of the time people input their keywords in the proper order so it is a good idea to follow the proper word order (i.e. Mitsubishi Lancer is better than Lancer Mitsubishi) Repetition of Keywords

Do not repeat keywords. Not only does it look ridiculous there is not a single top ranking web page that have them.

Author's URL: www.goarticles.com

7 Quick and Easy Ways to Increase Your RSS Subscribers

It's no secret that a lot of blog readers prefer to read your blog through RSS. These readers may never see your blog but crafty bloggers know how to make RSS subscribers come to their blog. So don't ignore RSS subscribers, they can be the difference between a profitable blog and a ho-hum blog. Your RSS subscribers can be your ticket to making quick online cash.

Here are 7 tricks to increase your RSS subscribers:

1. Start a contest for RSS Subscribers only. Many bloggers have used this technique very successfully. People will want to take part in the contest and sign up so they can participate.

2. Publish RSS Subscriber only post. Other bloggers have used the this baiting technique to get people to sign up to their RSS feeds. All you do is every once in a while, publish a list or a list of tips only to your RSS subscribers. Make sure you post about these "special tips" to your regular readers on your blog. This will make them sign up so they don't miss out on the special tips.

3. Submit your RSS feed to RSS directories. There are many RSS directories out there. You need to submit your RSS feed to each of them. To find them, just go to Google and type in 'list of RSS directories'. It will be time consuming, but well worth it!

4. Use those RSS Subscription icons. Yes, they do help! These icons make it very easy for readers to your blog to sign up under their favorite RSS reader. If you make your readers work to get signed up to your RSS feed, many won't go to the trouble.

5. Publish your feed count. If you have over one hundred RSS subscribers, show the feed count. Other bloggers seeing that other people have signed up to your feed feel that they should also. It's a funny thing, the more RSS subscribers you have, the easier it is to get them.

6. Use Full RSS feeds. If you make your RSS subscribers click on a "more" link to finish reading your blog post, many will unsubscribe. Make it easy for them to read your entire blog post by publishing full RSS feeds.

7. Use FeedBurner and sign up email subscribers. I use FeedBurner so that my readers can sign up with their email. Some just prefer to read the post in their email, so I make it easy for them. It only takes a second to put a sign up form on your blog.

RSS subscribers are a very profitable part of any blog. Learn how to increase your RSS subscribers and watch your profits go up. Overlooking RSS Subscribers can be a very costly mistake...it's like walking past a bag full of money and not picking it up because you have your hands full...not smart at all!

Author's URL: www.goarticles.com

Blog RSS

The only way to keep up with the latest about RSS is to constantly stay on the lookout for new information. If you read everything you find about RSS, it won't take long for you to become an influential authority.

When you're learning about something new, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of relevant information available. This informative article should help you focus on the central points.

Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a tool useful for saving or retaining updated information on websites that you frequently visit or websites that are your favorite. RSS utilizes an XML code which scans continuously the content or subject matter of a certain website in search for new informations then transmits the information updates by way of feeding the information to subscribers.

RSS feeds are generally being utilized in blogs or news sites, though any website wanting to broadcast and publish information can use them. Once new information is sent, it will contain a headline, a little bit of text, and either a rundown or a brief review of the news or story. A link is needed be clicked upon to read further.

So as to accept RSS feeds, a feed reader is needed, called an aggregator. Aggregators are widely and freely available online, and all that is needed is a bit of searching, you will be able to locate a certain interface that best interest you. What's more, RSS feeds can likewise be read and retrieved from cell phones and on PDAs.

Once you encounter upon a website that you want to add or insert to the aggregator, the process can be done in two ways. Almost all sites offering an RSS feed displays an "RSS" or "XML" button in their homepage and with one click, it promptly add that particular feed to one's aggregator. Some aggregator however, requires the need to copy and then paste the URL of the feed unto the program.

Whatever the method used, you can be certain that the feed will be accessible soon as you have inserted it, likewise, in just seconds, the next update can arrive. In the event that you do not anymore would want to accept or take in updates, you may simply delete or erase the feed from the aggregator.

Through e-mail subscriptions, you can receive newsletters. RSS feeds on the other hand, can be more convenient in keeping up with newsletter updates since they are prompt and available in an instant; you no longer have to wait for a scheduled time or day to obtain a news summary, plus, these news will never be detained through a spam filter. RSS feeds are widely used everyday by individuals who understand and appreciate the accessibility of fast reports and news that can be readily read and only read certain updates that appeals to them.


If you find yourself confused by what you've read to this point, don't despair. Everything should be crystal clear by the time you finish.

How can you put a limit on learning more? The next section may contain that one little bit of wisdom that changes everything.

Aggregators are popular use of feeds, having several kinds. Web aggregators or portals as they are sometimes called, create this view which is then made available in a Web page. Also, Aggregators have been incorporated into e-mail patrons, users of desktops, or dedicated and standalone software.

Offering a collection of special features, such as combining more than a few related feeds in just a single view, hiding certain entries or statements that has been already viewed, and classifying entries and feeds, the aggregator is a versatile component.

Why make a feed available?

You will have more viewers, since now, your viewers can conveniently see your site without even going out and looking for that certain site. While at first, it may seem corrupt, it will in fact enhance the visibility of your site; this is so because users can easily keep up or keep tract with your site, to allow them to view in a way that they want to; it's more probable that guests are aware should something that is in their interest is available or accessible on your site.

For instance, every month your website broadcasts a new feature. Having no feed, your viewers will always have to keep in mind to go to your site in a certain time to see if they discover something new; that is, if they can remember, and if they still have the time. However, if you supply a feed for your viewers, they can just point to their aggregator and it will instantly provide them a link along with a description of happenings or events at your site immediately.

What format to choose?

Syndication is very confusing as it uses a lot of formats that can usually be come across in the web. However, this can easily be solved as in general, syndicated libraries are used by aggregators which conceptualize a particular format that a feed is in, in order that they can utilize a certain syndication feed.

With this, whatever format to pick is just a matter of personal preference. RSS 1.0 is far reaching, and practical should it be integrated into Semantic Web systems. RSS 2.0 is very easy and simple create by hand. And atom is an IETF Standard, does it brings constancy, stability and a natural and accepted community to support its usage.

When word gets around about your command of RSS facts, others who need to know about RSS will start to actively seek you out.

Author: - Articles for Website Content