Learn Basic SEO Tips

People want to have expertise on it, so they will make money (because of most of blogger that study SEO because want to make money online). SEO is a drug. Therefore, there is out of date or invalid SEO advice getting around, not to mention the information that could also make our pages being banned.

Thus, I decided to scratch my head and then compiling the heap of sentences into one single article regarding SEO that most of you have seen all the times. If there so many people have known about what I am going to show why am I still posting this? Because I get nothing to do in this dawn, thus I blog about it!

I hope this tips are not boring you but could assist assist my readers in forming a basic understanding of how to create human friendly web pages which are easily understood by the most popular search engines.

SEO speaking, when it comes to drive traffic from Search Engines, our minds would immediately recommend two giant search engines, which are Google and Yahoo! The rest of SE, bring me..hmm... just very and very little traffic, thus I don't spend time to much on strategies for them.

Focus your attention on the engines that will bring you the most visitors first and work your way down.

This post only highlights about Google and Yahoo!, the two will bring a fat traffic and a fat traffic means money!

Basic SEO

1. Put the descriptive keyword within title tag, this will make search engine robots recognize your page quickly and know what the content is all about. Title tag is located on head tags, therefore insert descriptive keyword or key phrase that describe on your pages, this way your chances to gain targeted traffic will be a lot bigger.

Not to forget, be sure the title tag contains text which a human can relate to. Because they will be appeared in a search result page (s).

2. When you make an anchor text to link your page from different page or different blogs, make sure the anchor text is the same with text of your title tag. This is very useful if you have many pages or linked by many others blogs.

3. Another recommended way is the text you put within the title tag must also be put within the body of the page. It will be weird if text of title page are not found in the body of the page.

By this every reader that clicks on your page that appears in SERP will be ensured that they clicked on the accurate link and landed at the page where they seek to visit. Robots love this because of there's relevance between the title of the page and the headline.

Also, sprinkle your keywords throughout your article. The most important keywords can be bolded or colored in red. A good place to do this is once or twice in the body at the top of your article and in the sub-headings.

4. Make sure you Do not utilize the same title tag on every page on your website. This way, your pages will be likely not get indexed or crawled because of SE Robots will think that all of the pages are the same.

I often use the headline of my pages as my title tag, this is meant to assist the robots knows quicker and exactly what my page is all about. The most good place to add the headline is in the h1 tag to make it the same as the title tag tex.

5. I said it before and will say it again now, DO NOT SPAM the description or meta tag keyword by stuffing meaningless keywords. All SEO experts are in one voice that this kind of technique is no longer effective.

6. Do not link to link-farms or other search engine unfriendly neighborhoods.

7. DO not use doorway pages. Since search engines like to crawl visitor friendly homepage/subpage that contains relevant content to the keywords searched in SE, therefore DO not use doorway pages, because they are designed only for robots, not for visitors.

8. Title tags for text links. Insert the title tag within the HTML of your text link to add weight to the link and the page where the link resides. This is like the alt tag for images.

My site contains navigation menus on the left and right of the page. The menu consists of links not images. When you hover over the link with your mouse, the title of the link appears. View the source of this page to see how to add this tag to your links.

9. Use the alt tag to gives description of our images. Alt tag will assist robots that crawl your images to find specific pages in your site and consequently help SE user who use text only while Googling.

10. Build one-way link at the proper amount to help your page/homepage position in SE.

4 Key Components to Search Engine Optimization [SEO]

Search engine optimization [SEO] is an absolute necessity if you want your site to be easily found on the internet. By properly preparing your site you will make it easier to be located thru a search by anyone looking for the type of information, service, or product your site offers.

In order for you to best optimize your site there are 4 areas you'll need to pay special attention to. This optimization process basically involves the correct use of keywords, site labeling, content, and linking with other sites.

Let's have a look at 4 key components you'll need to address to optimize your site for the search engines:

1 - Title tag

This field should be kept short (55 - 60 characters) and should describe the main theme, intention, or content of what the site is all about. What you put here is what will show in the top bar of the window when the site is displayed. It is also the 'title' that appears when it is displayed in any search engine results.

It is important to accurately describe the site content in your title so as to not confuse the search engines. If inaccurate the title may cause you to not be listed at all in any search results.

2 - Keyword use

The use of keywords throughout the text of your site content is important so that the search engines can easily locate your site. These keywords will act as 'guiding lights' for search engine spiders when seeking particular content. If your keywords are not relevant to the site content you again risk a lower search ranking or not one at all.

Be sure your keyword selection reflects your sites content. Also take time to research the popularity of the keywords selected since the most searched upon keywords will not only bring you more traffic but will also boost your search engine ranking.

3 - Keyword density

Once you've selected the keywords you want to build your site around it is best to utilize them within the content in a natural and flowing way. You DO NOT want to overuse any words or phrases since it won't sound right to anyone reading the content. In addition any deliberate overuse will get you penalized by the search engines for 'keyword stuffing' resulting in lower rankings. It's best to stay within a 2% to 3 % range of keyword use within your content.

4 - Inbound links

These links also referred to as link popularity reflects links that come from other websites. This generally is an indication of the relevancy and quality your site content may have to the other websites. Think of this as your online list of references that will vouch for your websites legitimacy.

These links will appear over time or as a result of particular marketing techniques you may utilize. Social tagging, article marketing, and leaving comments at forums or blogs will accelerate your link creation efforts. The more links you develop the bigger boost your search engine ranking will receive.

As you can see search engine optimization isn't exactly rocket science and does in fact appear quite logical. The need to correctly complete this process however is vital in creating a greater awareness for your website with the search engines. If done right you will have a website that's easily found with a high ranking in the search engine results.

Author's URL: www.goarticles.com